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Board Reports [Pro]


Reports allow you to download board activity (or a subset thereof) in raw or summarized form.

Creating a report

To download a report, first apply any filters you want. Make sure the list of logs reflects the state you want to see reported. Then click the reports button in the green bar, and select the type of report you want.

Report types: Board activity overview and breakdown

There are two types of activity reports: the overview and the breakdown. The overview gives you a summary of all activity on the board, split by user. The breakdown is a full list of all logs made on the board.

Report types: Cards overview

The cards report presents a table with the time logged on every Trello card, broken down by member. Additionally, time logged without card references is included in a separate row.

Report types: Lists overview

The lists report gives you an each table of each current list on your board, and how much time has been logged on the cards in those lists.

Report types: Labels overview

The labels report presents a table with the time logged on your labeks, broken down by member. Both Trello labels and custom labels are included. Additionally, time logged without a label reference is included in a separate row.

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