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Logging basics

Creating a log

When creating a new log – or edting an existing log – you have various fields at your disposal. While we hope their use is fairly self-explanatory, some fields have some hidden features that can help you get more out of them. Here we briefly discuss each field.
  1. The description of the log (optional, but highly recommended)
  2. The duration – how long did it take? (required)
  3. Click Add to save the log
  4. Who is logging? Are you collaborating? Or logging for someone else? (defaults to yourself)
  5. The date and time for this log (defaults to now)
  6. A label to assign to this log (defaults to your last used label on this board)

Descriptions and more: What are you working on? 

Use the description field to briefly summarize what this log is about. Besides just entering text you can also enter URLs (they are automatically converted to links). You can also insert Emoji by typing a colon and the first couple of characters. Finally, you can reference Trello cards that you are assigned to by typing # and selecting the card from the list.

More about referencing Trello cards
More about inserting Emoji


You can enter the duration in minutes or hours, where Punchtime will try to figure out what you mean (for example: 2 will be converted to 2 hours and 180 will be converted to 2:30 hours). You can also enter a number with decimals which will be converted to hours (for example: 2.5 for 2:30 hours).

Who is logging? Setting members

Usually, you will be logging time for yourself. However, if you are an admin of the board, you can also log time for others. Just click your name to bring up the member selection panel, deselect yourself and select another member.
The member selection panel with the current user (indicated by 'you') deselected, and another user selected.

You can also select multiple users to log collaborations. This is especially convenient for meetings. More about logging collaborations.

Setting the date or time of a log

By default you add logs now. For those occasions where you want log work done in the past, click the date indicator to bring up the date selection panel. Click another day and you're done.

Besides setting the date, you can optionally also set the time. To do so, just append the time in 24-hour format after the date.
Here a specific time has been added to the date: 11 am.

Assigning a label

You can categorize logs with labels. Click the label dropdown to select a label. Admins for organizations that have a Pro account can change how labels behave: they can create a custom set or switch them off entirely. By default, the list shows the Trello labels configured for the board.
The labels dropdown opened showing Trello labels and custom labels.

Editing and deleting a log

After creating a log, you can of course also edit it.
The activity list will show a pencil icon next to logs that you can edit when you hover the log. Click the pencil to edit.
The edit form is nearly identical to the form you use to add logs. The difference is the three icons on the top-right: they allow you to delete, cancel or save.

Permissions: who can change logs?

You can always edit and delete your own logs. Admins can edit and delete anyone's logs.

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