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Using the Punchtime browser extension

About the browser extension

The Punchtime browser extension integrates tightly with Trello so you can use our awesome time tracking features without leaving your boards.

Besides making it easy to create logs, the extension also allows you to start a timer. Finally, it shows you at a glance how much time has been logged for each board, and each card. 

Your Punchtime data in Trello

First, make sure you have the extension for either Chrome or Safari installed. Then, navigate to and open one of your boards. You'll see some new information on the page.

A Trello board showing data from Punchtime. Top-left: the total time logged on this board. On the right: direct access to this board's logs and insights.

This also works on a card. Try opening one:

The left arrow indicates the total time logged on this card. The buttons on the right-hand side link to Punchtime logs and insights, filtered for this card.

Adding a log

Besides viewing your existing data, the extension makes it easy to add new logs. Just click on the diamond icon in the browser's toolbar:

The popup that opens shows you options to start a timer or add a log. Click Add log, and a window will pop up where you can describe your log:

The popup might look familiar: you get the exact same options you have when adding a log through the normal Punchtime web interface. If you were on a card when you added the log, the card ID is automatically prefilled in the description field (like above; card #4).

Now, enter your description, a duration and click Add. Your log is added and you're done!

Working with timers

Besides adding plain logs, you can also use a timer while you work. To start a timer, simply navigate to one of your boards, click the Punchtime diamond in the browser's toolbar, and select start timer. The timer will automatically start:

The timer will show the board and – optionally – card that you are timing on. You can pause or cancel the timer using the buttons left of the time indication. Click the checkmark to finalize your timer and turn it into a proper log. When you click the checkmark the timer is automatically paused and the usual window will pop up asking you to describe the log:

This popup is the same as when adding a log, but the duration has already been set from the timer. After creating the log, the timer will be cleared and ready for your next session.

Timers: good to know

You do not need to keep your Trello board open in the browser for the timer to work. Surf all you want – the timer keeps running in the toolbar. But, you don't even need to keep your browser running! Quit it. Turn off you computer. Switch it back on. Your timer will still be there, timing away.

For Chrome, timers sync across all your computers. So a timer started on your desktop will automatically appear on your laptop. This feature is currently not supported on Safari.

When a timer is running, the Punchtime and Trello buttons at the bottom of the popup will take you to the board (or card) that you are timing on, in Punchtime or Trello.

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